Rishikesh Panorama

The School

Running under the aegis of Ganga Valley Educational Society (Regd.)

“Helping Children Help Themselves”

Located at the foothills of the Himalayas, Ganga Valley School is directed towards the all around development of the children.

The school started on the 1st of June 2004, as a pre-school, with six children and two rooms.
By now there are  150 children with seven classrooms and one activity hall. 

Message From Founder

Every child is like a seed which has the potential to grow if it is nourished with love and care under the right guidance. Childhood is the best time to lay the foundation of the core value, essential for the overall development of the future citizen of tomorrow.

Year by year the efforts of all our staff and students have taken the school forward in the term of excellence. The school has progressed in leap and bounds. We offer our students a stress free learning environment which encourages creativity and critical thinking.

At Ganga Valley School we are dedicated to exhaustive quality learning and are utterly committed to continue the process of improvement of the benefit of our students. 

                                                                                 – Rachel Rai (founder & director )


The school starts at 8 a.m. in the summer, 9 a.m. in the winter.

In the morning there are prayers, singing and physical exercises.

Afterwards, there are classes  of English, Hindi,mathematics, Science and yoga  in between they have lunch break.

Evening Classes 

In the evening , school conduct free tuitions at 4 p.m. in which we offer homework support and provide maths, english and science class. On Saturdays there are drawing, craft, dance and yoga  classes as well . We are conducting these free classes because most of the parents  are illiterate, they can’t afford these kind of evening classes.



In school on Saturdays we conduct two hours art and craft as well as dance classes. After that teacher and children visit the near by places to clean their neighbourhood.  

We organise English communications classes and educational workshop for pets and environment which mandatory to attend for each and every child. 

After every  exams and unit test children for outing we organise  picnics ,sometimes visit to zoo, beaches, waterfall or waterpark.