Logo Ganga Valley School


Recently, the children and Rachel were unfortunately ill with scabies.

Thanks to Ines, who donated 100 Euros, we were able to buy 6 new matresses, three pillows and medicine.

We are all very fortunate to have had Dr. Peter bought us 5 mattresses, 10 blankets, bedsheets and 13 pillows. We also got shoes for all the homestay children, school materials and fruits for the month of November. The children were also given fire crackers for the festivals. The kids were very excited to have new clothes and shoes, fire crackers and the Diwali party.

We threw away all of our old mattresses, which were in very bad condition.
Hopefully, with medicine and new bedding, we will manage to get rid of the mites.

I, along with the children, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Corin, Who donated 300 euros and one organization from Holland donated 200 euros With 200 euros, we will buy winter clothes (sweaters, Jackets…)for homestay children.
With 300 euros, we bought new clothes(pant, shirt, undergarments) for all the homestay children for diwali and uniforms for 7 children.

Paulus school donated 400 euros for food items (rice, wheat, dals, vegetables, milk, oil, sugar etc…) and toiletries for the month of November.

We send a heartfelt thank you to Paulus School, Paulien (Paulus School’s teacher) and her sister who visited our school and brought children clothes, chocolates and spent time with children, taught our children to make paper windmills.
Our children were very excited to received paintings from children from Paulus and our children also sent them paintings.
Once again thanks to Paulien!

I together with children would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Swami Ram, Ashley Rubeck, Ashley Ruback, Janis, Barbara, Julie We will utilize the donation to buy food items for December.

The children are all doing well in school.

We are blessed to have the help of so many of our Supporters.
Thank to all.