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March 2014

Our Christmas season started out with a fun and enjoyable time with Amit and Pria from Spain. This wonderful couple spent Christmas day with the children and showered them with gifts to prepare for school. Important gifts such as uniforms, stationary, bags and shoes were given by Amit and Priya. Not only did Amit and Priya donate these gifts, their friends and themselves donated over 1000Euros towards the much needed new kitchen + construction the rooftop. We thank Amit, Priya and their friends for their kindness and support towards the children’s needs.

The children worked hard and did well during their exams which occurred at the end of February. Upon completion of their exams a well deserved holiday break brought some sun and warmer weather.

March brought some holiday fun with our children’s friend, Maria from Holland. The children enjoyed a fun party of eating and dancing with her. As Maria left, we were blessed with some clothes and shoes which were donated from people in Australia. Bev and Ruby from Australia stayed a few days and played in the warm March sun with the children. Bev, Ruby and Talassi (our friend from Spain) even got to enjoy a pre-Holi Festival party of delicious Indian foods and some great Bollywood dancing with the children. Bev tried her hardest to learn some Indian dancing moves.

Talassi our dear friend from Spain gave the children the opportunity to enjoy a day camp about 6km from the school. The children came home buzzing with joy from climbing, swimming, eating and seeing the wonderful surroundings for Rishikesh. Not only did Talassi give the boys this opportunity, she also has some wonderful friends who donated 780Euros towards the construction of the rooftop + kitchen.

March 17th brings the Festival of Holi where the streets are lined with colours and happiness. The children are excited about this holiday.
We would like to give thanks to Matha from America for donating $100US towards our upstairs rooftop kitchen. Thanks Bev from Australia and her friend Vicky who donated $117 Euros also.

In total with all our current donations we have a growing figure of 1939Euros, only 562Euros needed by the end of May to begin the construction of the rooftop kitchen and covering the rooftop.

A special thanks to:

  • Sonia for sponsoring Shahil in home support.
  • Talassi for sponsoring Rajeev in home support.
  • Andreas for sponsoring Sarwan in home support.