Logo Ganga Valley School

Thank you for your help

The children of the Ganga Valley School thank you for your help in the first five months of 2011.

The old school year with totally 90 children in the pre school and the primary school till the fifth class ended at the 30th of March. Three of those children who live permanently in the Ganga Valley School changed to the government school. Rohit is now in the 6th class, Ashish and Sahil in the 7th class. That is the result of a governmental test they had to pass before.

One pupil (Deepesh) will stay in the Ganga Valley School and will be educated here in private tuition estimated for the next years. That is his personal desire. – In India those pupils have to pass a governmental test in all school subjects at a time after the 5th, 8th, 10th and 12th school year. When they pass these tests, their education is acknowledged with governmental certificate.

The new school year started at the 1st of April. Now they are 70 children, 20 of them live – as last school year – furthermore in the Ganga Valley School.

The children got new school uniforms, new shoes, books and all consumption items.

The lower number of children is the effect of the transfer especially of the pre school children to other schools. The cause: There is no pre school in the next surrounding area of the Ganga Valley School. The small children had to go there already between 6 and 7 o’clock by bus. This want neither children nor parents.

Rachel Rai, the headteacher of the Ganga Valley School and „mother“of all there living children, restricts the number of the schoolchildren in the Ganga Valley School to those out of very poor families. The many existing private schools take about 1000 Rupees for each month education. That can’t afford a „underpriviliged“ person. Otherwise the education in public schools is according to Rachel so bad that the children have forgotten within a relatively short time all they have learned before.

In the Ganga Valley School the pre school and the school cost only 300 Rupees a month. But a lot of parents of the school children pay only between 150 and 50 Rupees, because even 300 Rupees (5 Euro, 4.5 pounds) are too much for them.

A survey of the current state of pupils in the Ganga Valley School

Class Children Children living in
the Ganga Valley School
1 8 2
2 7 4
3 4 1
4 9 4
5 6 5
Total 34 16
(plus 3 in goverment school and 1 home education)

Rachel sees also for actions in free time.
At the end of May she and six children were in the neighbour village Dehradun for some sportings. Also scheduled is a visit to a cinema and in a waterpark.

A visit in the dental hospital with 15 children at the 2nd of June 2011 had that result:
5 children cleaning of the teeth necessary
2 extraction of a tooth
1 filling of a whole in a tooth
1 infection of the gum

Unfortunately is the holiday season often combined with a lot of work.:
From the 6th of June 2011 all the Ganga Valley School house must be renovated inside and outside.Walls have to be repaired and painted, a broken waterline has to be renewed. That costs time and is expensive. The school authorities prescribe those works.

Thanks to Swami Ram the Ganga Valley School got a second used laptop.
The Ganga Valley School got also legostones from another donator.
So the holidays are filled up with new activities.

But all this stress is it worth: The Ganga Valley School accomplished to get the officially governmental registration.
That is a great effort in a country like India.

Now we beg very heartily for your donation.
You can do that without costs for you out from all Europe on the following account.
The Ganga Valley School gets the complete amount.
You’ll get a reassurence per email.
If you ask for we send you an official receipt by mail.

The holder of the account is simultaneous secretary of the Ganga Valley School:

Peter Kosek
acc.nr. 0002622459 = IBAN DE16 3006 0601 0002 6224 59
bankcode 30060601 = BIC DAAEDEDD
APO-Bank Munic/Germany
subject matter: your name + Ganga Valley School-India and – if you want: special use for the money

You know: „The good are personal sacrifices for other people.“
All members of the staff live in this spirit for the children and for their better future.