Rishikesh Panorama

Exam Result

The exam result are declared.
All them have passed with good marks!

As usual Jitender and Santosh have best marks. Laxmi and Vipashana have upgraded to 10th standard.

Ganesh, Rajan, Rajeev and Shankar are in 9th standard. Santosh, Sarwan, Jitender and Sarwan are in 8th standard.
Vishal also passed out from GVS he will join the secondary school in 6th grade.

Their new academic session will start from 6th of March. Shaheb and Ashish result will come out on May.

This March the children didn’t have much fun.
Normally in March we used to have lots of friend like Maria, Talasssi, Sonia or other visitor but this march nobody has come to India.
The children missed the fun that they used to do like going out in the beach, camping rafting and partying.

There are lots of tourist in Rishikesh at the moment.
Most of them are Yoga group or travelling with their guide.
Hotel business is good but the other shop business is very down.

The weather is very unusal this time.
Normally in March and April we don’t have rain but this year it’s rained a lot. Now it’s still raining …

