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News in May

Your continued support helps us help our Future!

We are pleased to report that all our students (102 pupils) have been attending classes on a regular basis and are doing very well.

6 children have passed exams and gained entry to Public Secondary Schools – we are very proud of them and wish them every success for the future.
green_earth20 students received full scholarships to continue their education with the Ganga valley School – these students have been recruited from the most disadvantaged people living in Laxman Jula

We currently employ 8 teachers an increase of 1 since lat year.

Students participated in “Clean Earth – Green Earth” Art competition winning 1st & 3rd prize respectively.

During summer holiday we have organized the summer camp where children have learnt dance, art and craft.

Donors & Visitors

Nicole Runkle donated Rs 6000.

Bev from Australia donated Rs 8000. She also donated a tablet which has been an amazing tool in our teaching.

From our fundraising tea party we raised Rs 4000.

With these donation money we were able to buy six set of wooden benches and table for the class 1.

Our thanks to Tim Brown & his group for generous gifts for the children.


If you wish to make a donation to help us continue our work with the women & children of Rishikesh please contact.
We are extremely grateful for all your continuous support without this the school would simply close!
We are always pleased to welcome visitors to the school, but would ask that you first contact us to arrange your visit – as I’m sure you appreciate it can be a drain on our resources and needs to be coordinated with other school activities.
We are currently in need of fully working computers which would greatly enhance the way our teachers teach & the way our students learn.

After school Programme

In India it is typical for students to attend afternoon tuition, either through guided study, a study centre or with a private tutor. For our students this is especially necessary because most of their parents are illiterate, so they have no access to help with their homework or homework. In our after school programme we provide tuition to our primary school students and other children in the community. Approximately 30 students are enrolled in our programme

Home-stay students – update

Homestay studentsAll homestay children have passed their final exams with excellent results and will continue with their studies in government schools
Ganesh ,Rajan Rajeev & Shankar are in 9th grade
itender Santosh, 1st & 4th in the class of 50 children sarwan are in 8th grade
Vishal has got admission in Government secondary school
Ashish & Shahil will start 11th grade in July.

Women Empowerment

The Women Empowerment Programme was created especially for the young women & girls living in laxmanjhula. This programme gives them the opportunity to develop their teaching skills. There are currently 16 young women taking the teacher training. In the morning they learn through practice by assisting one of our permanent teachers to the smaller children, in the afternoon they attend a theory class delivered by a trained teacher.

Women Empowerment Women Empowerment